A Butterfly Topless on a Beach


“This is not a fairytale.   
This is not a story.
No way.
It’s a pillar of salt,
a photographic device
that no one can predict.
It awakens gods in humans
gods from another time.
Financially, it’s worth nothing.
It is not History
yet it lives within the human mind.
Isn’t that History?
What we didn’t experience
like the Vietnam war
is history
And the flow of thoughts
the creation
is not more vivid
that what we saw or heard
in a documentary.

Let’s start here.
Men with feminine faces.”


Deux amis; l’un écrivain, l’autre artiste-peintre échangent sur leur rapport au monde : abstrait, sensoriel
et sensible à l’absurde. A Butterfly Topless on a Beach est né de leur conversation : les textes de l’un inspirant à l’autre, des associations de formes, des couleurs, des collages.

Dans ce recueil surréaliste empreint d’humour et de douceur, les deux auteurs composent une palette
liant leurs visions respectives et partagées. Ils distillent la noirceur du monde contemporain, l’inquiétude d’une jeunesse qui, désenchantée, ne renonce pourtant pas à ses passions.

En s’emparant du graphisme, Typical. Organisation a donné au livre une nouvelle identité,
celle d’un objet d’art. Les couleurs sable et chair de la couverture évoquent avec nostalgie
le passé et ce papillon, nu sur une plage.


“This is not a fairytale.   
This is not a story.
No way.
It’s a pillar of salt,
a photographic device
that no one can predict.
It awakens gods in humans
gods from another time.
Financially, it’s worth nothing.
It is not History
yet it lives within the human mind.
Isn’t that History?
What we didn’t experience
like the Vietnam war
is history
And the flow of thoughts
the creation
is not more vivid
that what we saw or heard
in a documentary.

Let’s start here.
Men with feminine faces.”

This work is the outcome of a correspondence between a writer Odysseas Simos and the painter Charlotte Niewenhuys. Thinking of the perhaps outdated format of postal correspondences, we proposed an edition that is postcard sized. We suggested that the content, that in a first instance would dialogue within one book object, would be separated again in two different volumes, this way the reader is invited to redo the correspondence between text and image works again. The image works can also be detached and used as actual postcards.


ISBN : 979-10-95233-21-3
format 10,50 cm x 14,85 cm x 1 cm
coffret composé d’un recueil de textes de 64 pages
et d’un bloc de 21 cartes postales – reproductions de peintures et collages
paperback, relié
500 exemplaires

L’auteur / Odysseas Simos & Charlotte Niewenhuys

Direction artistique / Typical. Organization for standards and orders

paru en octobre 2020
Langue/ Anglais et grec


format 10,50 cm x 14,85 cm x 1 cm
box including one textbook of 64 pages
and a block of 21 postcards – paintings and collage.
paperback, relié
500 copies

The author/Odysseas Simos & Charlotte Niewenhuys

Artistic direction / Typical. Organization for standards and orders

released on October 2020
Language/English and Greek